Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The domestic violence

              Nowadays is so common to heard about violence in the houses, streets and schools, but where borns, how can be an example of domestic violence in the middle class of our society. Well in my opinion the domestic violence is cause for the miss self-esteem, education in some way and the need to feel superior than the other person. For example the case of a woman that was married with a guy whose used to live alone, far of his family and with a childhood where the man was the only thing important in the house. With the pass of the years this couple has a baby boy, they looks happy at the beginning; however, they had some money problems and the guy started abusing verbally against the self-esteems of his wife just to feel superior. He told her that she was ugly and that he does not like the jewelry on the woman and neither the make-up. So, she starts go away of her family, also she stops putting make-up and her self-esteems was really low. After a while, she knows that her husband has another family, and the fights were more common for the couple. So, with the family support she decides putting the divorce demand, after three years they were divorced completely, but their child continues with some problems to express his feeling and been close of woman with jewelry and make-up. Also, she had problems because her ex-husband continues using their child as a tool to continue abusing verbal and psychologically to the women and the child. Besides this she starts working in her self-esteem and trying to help at the same time to her son in order to avoid that the father’s profile will be repeat it on the boy. This is one case that "ends" with a good final, but in not all the cases, the victims can not afford the professional help to overcome the violence or the abuse due the ignorance, lack of money, support or scare of the reaction of the aggressor.

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