Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advantages or disadvantages of immigrations

              Now a days there are a lot of people that lives in differents countries by necessity, work, studies or just to know others languages and cultures. First of all, those people that go to another country for necessity like security, necessity to work in order to send to their families money, and bring them a stability in their country involves differences issues between some co-workers or brings the opportunity to know a little of differents cultures.
Also, one advantage of the trasmigrants who do not expected to back to their homeland or to differents reasons that does not allow them to come back  produce to send money-lots of it. But, some of disadvantages of the immigration is the racism between the cultures, according the feeling of risk to lose their jobs; and as Nina Glick Schiller said: "whether the world in which we live is qualitatively changing to the detriment of the majority of the world's people, and if so, why. These questions are about those of us who are transmigrants and the states that continue to claim us as their own. But they are equally about how those of us who claim birth rights in states that are now experiencing major settlements of transmigrants understand our pasts, presents, and futures."

Works cited      
1. Source: "Transmigrants and Nation-States: Something Old and Something New in the U.S. Immigrant Experience" by Nina Glick Schiller in The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience edited by Charles Hirschman et al. Russell Sage Foundation, 112 East 64th Street, New York, New York 10021. 1999. 502 pages. $65. (Order online from

1 comment:

  1. I think the political issues has a very important role here in the topic, we have seen how important are inmigrants to our society in years before, on the other hand, and I think is normal, they all have their customs and traditions that are not receivable everywhere, and not all of the inmigrants are like we want they could be... what is important is to regulate inmigrant's pass and make our constitution stronger in order to avoid to have conflicts with them and their nations...


    Pedro Piedra A.
